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Îíè óæå òàì, ãäå ðîêî÷åò âîéíà.

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Ïî êðóãó ïîñëåäíÿÿ ÷àøà. Äî äíà!


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È âñå ýòî âîêðóã ÿ íàçâàëà ñåìüåé.


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 ìå÷òàõ çà ìíîþ õîäÿò âñå òîëïîþ,
À íàÿâó - ñîâñåì íàîáîðîò.

Âàì íå÷åìó çàâèäîâàòü,ïîäðóæêè,
 ÁÊ, à íå âñåãäà ÿ "Ñóïåð!Àõ!"
Îò Òîé ìåíÿ â ðåàëå ëèøü âåñíóøêè
Äà îçîðíûå ÷åðòèêè â ãëàçàõ :)
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